Category Archives: Weekly

This week: British airport improvements, Korea’s budget terminal and more

It’s been an average week in airport newsland with medium sized stories coming through from around the planet. Nevertheless we’re sure it still makes for an interesting, weekly mix. So let’s dive straight into it.

Continue reading This week: British airport improvements, Korea’s budget terminal and more

This week: French protests, a singer shutting down an airport & more

This is going go be a juicy airport news update. In the mix are news pieces such as French protests, a singer shutting down an entire airport or a passenger landing a plane in Dublin, to name just three.

Continue reading This week: French protests, a singer shutting down an airport & more

This week: Check-in glitch in Australia, Air Berlin sues Berlin Airport & more

After Sandy’s dominance in our news reporting last week, this week airport news saw a wider, geographical spread with articles reaching us from Australia, South Africa, Germany or the United Kingdom.

Continue reading This week: Check-in glitch in Australia, Air Berlin sues Berlin Airport & more

This week: snake on a plane, fog, new airport & no more x-ray scanners

It seems the airport news follow the volatile recent climate – you never quite know what you’ll get. So, this week has been relatively quite and we’re going to focus on four interesting stories from around the world.

Continue reading This week: snake on a plane, fog, new airport & no more x-ray scanners

This week: BAA renamed as Heathrow, bad airport joke & more

We could nearly brand this weeks news an all-British update as so many news pieces this week arrived from the British Isles. However, we worked hard to find three other news flashes from Australia, Brazil and the U.S. to mix it all up a bit.

Continue reading This week: BAA renamed as Heathrow, bad airport joke & more

This week: Ankara grounds Syrian plane, Ryanair out of Stansted bid

We try to stay out of global politics, however, when those politics affect flying passengers at airports around the world, we surely want to report it. So this week we have a story involving troubled Syria for you. Other than that we found more of the “regular” news bites from Dubai, Taipei and Glasgow.

Continue reading This week: Ankara grounds Syrian plane, Ryanair out of Stansted bid

This week: boy finds airport blueprints, Miami stars in TV show & more

Believe it or not, but we don’t have any strikes to report this week. Instead we found quite a few other (more?) interesting airport news stories from the U.S., the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and India.

Continue reading This week: boy finds airport blueprints, Miami stars in TV show & more

This week: Pilgrims stranded, a fake pilot, refuelling problems & more

It’s the last week in September and it seems to have been a very busy finish of the month in regards to airport related news. We found pieces from around the globe: Nigerian women stranded in Saudi Arabia, a New York evacuation, refuelling problems in Norway or a fake pilot arrested in Italy among other stories.

Continue reading This week: Pilgrims stranded, a fake pilot, refuelling problems & more

This week: Changi wins again, goats wanted for an airport & more

Righty-o, we’re a bit late with this update, so let’s get going as we’ve certainly found a few interesting news items this week again. Our friends from Changi airport, for example, made headlines again and there was a story about buying goats for an airport in the U.S. – intriguing isn’t it?

Continue reading This week: Changi wins again, goats wanted for an airport & more