Category Archives: Various

This week: America’s deep freeze, Dubai challenges Heathrow & more

This week showed us that winter really is in full swing in the Northern hemisphere and it showed us some competitive muscling between two large airports. Here’s the full list of what we’re going to cover:

Continue reading This week: America’s deep freeze, Dubai challenges Heathrow & more

Last week: TSA reveals 2013 finds, Eagle lands at Wellington airport & more

You know we’re late when we even change our title. Oh well, better late than never, right? Oh – by the way – did you notice that we changed our look? We hope you like it!

Okay, so last week the following stories appeared on our airport news radar:

Continue reading Last week: TSA reveals 2013 finds, Eagle lands at Wellington airport & more

This week: The wrong airport & amnesty boxes

We’re back in business! Do we hear you say, it’s about time? Yes, we agree – but it’s good to have a break every now and then. Mind you, our twitter feed continued to be maintained throughout the holidays covering some massive stories such as the crazy ice-age conditions in North America or odd ones like the one of the escaping Dachshund from Newark/New Jersey.

This week we’re covering two stories that caught our attention (yes, we’re starting at a slow pace as that’s what you do after a big break ;-)). Both are from the U.S. but they are quite different in regards to their topics:

Continue reading This week: The wrong airport & amnesty boxes

This week: UK airport expansion shortlist revealed, Pyongyang airport photos & more

It’s our final airport news round-up for the year and with that we brought you the following stories:

Continue reading This week: UK airport expansion shortlist revealed, Pyongyang airport photos & more

This week: Spanish ghost airport up for grabs, snowy owls at JFK & more

This week is the second last week of our airport news reviews in 2013 before we take a – what we think – well deserved break. Let’s look at what we found this week then:

Continue reading This week: Spanish ghost airport up for grabs, snowy owls at JFK & more

This week: DFW’s winter nightmare, glitch in the UK & more

Alright-y, let’s do this. It’s going to be a brief update this week as we’re sure everyone appreciates that given the Christmas craziness has officially started!

Continue reading This week: DFW’s winter nightmare, glitch in the UK & more

This week: Thanksgiving, China’s $1B airport flop, e-ciggies at LHR

Okay, we’re late again. But surely you can forgive us this week after all that Turkey we had to eat. Hang on a minute, you say, aren’t you guys based in Australia? Correct, but we’ve got so many followers from the USA, we’re bound to talk turkey! Anyhow, here are our airport topics from this (errr, last) week:

Continue reading This week: Thanksgiving, China’s $1B airport flop, e-ciggies at LHR

This week: Dreamlifter landed at wrong airport, LAX security scare & more

Another week has passed and it’s therefore our job to once again recap some of the main airport news articles from the week. This week we have the following for you:

Continue reading This week: Dreamlifter landed at wrong airport, LAX security scare & more

This week: Boris island airports’ next chapter revealed & more

We’ve got a late departure ourselves this week since our update is published day later than usual. Well, even we aren’t faultless, hey? Here’s what we have for you from this week’s airport news around the world:

Continue reading This week: Boris island airports’ next chapter revealed & more

Infographic: Airport Confidential – Curious facts about American airports

This infographic was sent to us from our friends at We thought it’s well worth sharing with our loyal readers.

From conspiracy theories involving secret cities, aliens and hidden messages to surprising animal residents and buried treasure, America’s airports are a wealth of mysteries and unique fixtures.

Airport Confidential Infographic

(click picture to enlarge)